Me by Melia Hotel

Sacred Architecture

The Shul of Downtown

Shul of Downtown

The new megachurch, Chapel in Kendall, was planned for development on a vacant lot north of Calvary Chapel of Kendall existing building.

New Church by the Sea

Church by the Sea

The new megachurch, Chapel in Kendall, was planned for development on a vacant lot north of Calvary Chapel of Kendall existing building.

Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center

Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center

The new megachurch, Chapel in Kendall, was planned for development on a vacant lot north of Calvary Chapel of Kendall existing building.

New Church by the Sea

New Church by the Sea

The Church by the Sea was founded in 1945. The congregation is diverse, inclusive and intergenerational. This high-profile project involved the replacement of the existing congregational church with a new three-level facility mixed church to serve a variety of purposes: religious assembly, community center and retail space.

Bet Shira Synagogue

Bet Shira Synagogue

In February 1985, a nucleus of families heeded the call of Rabbi David H. Auerbach “to go where the children are” and created the framework to establish “The Conservative Congregation of South Dade.”

B'Nai Israel Synagogue

B’Nai Israel Synagogue

The B’nai Israel facility includes a sanctuary with a permanent capacity of 480 seats including the balcony seating. The expanded High Holy Day capacity reaches 2,000. This capacity is attained by the use of flex space via movable walls to convert the Social Hall and Kiddush area into sanctuary.

Calvary Chapel of Kendall

Calvary Chapel of Kendall

The new megachurch, Chapel in Kendall, was planned for development on a vacant lot north of Calvary Chapel of Kendall existing building.

Ocean Reef Chapel

Ocean Reef Chapel

The Ocean Reef Chapel project consists of demolishing the existing Chapel and replacing it with a new structure designed to serve the Protestant, Episcopal, Catholic and Jewish communities, and site improvements.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church architecture

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church

Our Lady of Guadalupe had a transformative impact on religion in the Americas. The design approach was shaped by Our Lady of Guadalupe’s reverence and impact on faith in this part of the world.

Temple Beth Sholom

Temple Beth Sholom

Temple Beth Sholom project included the design of a new chapel and youth center. Zyscovich did extensive research on both architect Percival Goodman, one of the best-known American synagogue architects that designed Temple Beth Sholom and the architectural history of the synagogue itself.