Fort Lauderdale Downtown Mobility Hub Joint Development Initiative

The Fort Lauderdale Downtown Mobility Hub Joint Development Initiative, a collaborative effort with South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, the Broward MPO, City of Fort Lauderdale, FDOT and South Florida Regional Planning Council, needs to identify physical and programmatic requirements and opportunities for a mixed-use transit hub in the heart of Downtown Fort Lauderdale.


Mobility Hubs have been defined in the MPO’s 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan as transit access points with frequent transit service, high development potential, and a critical point for trip generation or transfers within the transit system. As such, the work will facilitate the preparation of an RFP for redevelopment of the site via a Public-Private Partnership and will identify privately funded vertical development opportunities with the facilities and infrastructure improvements required to encourage and emphasize connections to multiple modes of transportation, including:


  • Streetcar vehicle maintenance and storage for the WAVE Streetcar and an on-street streetcar station
  • Transportation Management Association (TMA) trolley bus storage
  • Potential connections to Central Broward East-West transit extensions and stations
  • Potential connections to FEC commuter rail station
  • Pedestrian connectivity to BCT Broward Central Terminal for buses
  • Evaluation of public parking needs at the location

Fort Lauderdale, FL



  • YEAR :
  • LOCATION : Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • CATEGORY : Transportation
  • CLIENT :
Fort Lauderdale Downtown Mobility Hub
Fort Lauderdale Downtown Mobility Hub
Fort Lauderdale Downtown Mobility Hub