An exhaustive study of over 1400 acres of the Florida East Coast Railroad corridor in the City of Miami uncovered a number of economic development and design opportunities for a collection of disinvested neighborhoods in this industrial corridor. The plan recommended both neighborhood improvements and regional improvements through transit and roadway enhancements to connect this disjointed corridor to Downtown Miami and the central business district.
Stock Island is a 19.3-acre island on the Atlantic Ocean, just north of Key West, that serves the local fishing and small boating community.
Built in 1963, 100 Biscayne, formerly known as New World Tower, is a 30-story tower in downtown Miami that has undergone a renovation, ushering it into the 21st century.
Gateway Environmental K-8 Learning Center was a repeat of the prototype K-8 facility designed for Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The prototype design delivered a school comprised of a series of “protoparts:” modular classroom buildings, an assembly building and an administration/media building linked by “connectors” containing staircases, mechanical rooms, toilets and other support spaces.
The Homestead High School for Medical Arts for Science and Technology (MAST) represents a new generation of 21st century high schools. The facility is home to one of the most innovative curricula in the county, integrating the study of Pharmaceutical, Bio-Medical Sciences, and Physical Therapy into a singular secondary educational experience.
Maxwell Elementary is a PK-8 Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Americas School developed in coordination with the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Elementary School 03-X is the latest version of our two-story elementary school prototype. Our design approach is based on the “schools within a school” house concept to be utilized through the division of the kindergarten, primary and intermediate classrooms into separate “learning villages.”
This K-8 prototype is a response to the need of Miami-Dade’s land-starved urban communities to alleviate overcrowding in a rapidly expanding population.
Lanier James Education Center is a repeat of the Pine Ridge Education Center prototype and is an education and vocational training facility for troubled youths. Specific adaptations for this school include the addition of culinary, automotive technologies, and industrial arts programs.